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Closing [11 Sep 2012|10:35pm]

So, after a lot of thought and consideration and soul searching and other excessive amounts of thinking, I've decided to close From Ashes.

There are a lot of reasons for it, but mostly, I just feel it's the right decision. Interest has been waning, both my own and a number of other players, and it just seems the right thing to do - to close it at a good point before it whittles away.

When I started Ashes, it was because there were no other Trio-Era games out there - and now there are oodles. Which is awesome, and gives a lot of opportunities for people.

Anyway, I am sorry to the people this will disappoint. You have all been lovely people, and great players. I wish everyone the best in the their future RP endeavors - and everything else in life as well.

I'll leave the comm and everything up, of course, so people can still look at old threads/logs/etc. In case you want to clean out a journal's friends list, here's a button for you?

Please feel free to shoot me an email or say hi, or chat.

And maybe I'll see some of you around in the RP world somewhere else - or sometime else!

♥ Rissa

[10 Sep 2012|10:22am]

Sorry about my sudden absence again, but I had a bit of a computer disaster like Rissa except mine involved my one year old and a full cup of Kool-Aid. SO my computer is currently in the process of being replaced. :( I'll try to sneak posts when I can, but I wouldn't be expecting normal activity for at least a week.

I'm so sorry and I LOVE YOU ALL!

Gin/Dom/Ron/Ernie <3

Hogwarts Information! [07 Sep 2012|10:23am]

Sorry about the delay in this - having to rewrite all this stuff sucks a bit. I got a lot of my data recovered but I couldn't remember all the files to have them back up so some of my RPG stuff went by the wayside. >.< Anyway, behind the cut, have some information as to Hogwarts - whats intact, what has been repaired and what has been shuffled around!

Hogwarts )

Friend Update [06 Sep 2012|10:07am]


To start clearing up your friends list, click here.

Removed are: Augustus Pye, Torrin Derrick, Cassius Thickeness, Millicent Bullstrode, Morag Macdougal, Daphne Greengrass (both of those I meant to remove before my computer was killed) and I have dropped Trystan Chambers.

I suspect there will be a few more removals in the near future. So stay tuned!

[06 Sep 2012|03:07pm]

Hi all, I'm sorry to do this but I'm afraid I'm going to have to step down from the game. I just can't get into Millicent which isn't fair to you all. I wish you all luck with the game though :)

Back [05 Sep 2012|11:48am]

So, as Jerica said, I had a computer disaster, which involved an entire glass of water spilling directly onto the keyboard of my laptop. I swear, all of the water aimed right for the keyboard for maximum saturation. Anyway, needless to say the computer when pffewwwt, turned off, never to turn on again. I took it in and the tech people let it air dry for a few days but as I suspected, it was trashed.

It was very sad.

However I got a new laptop yesterday. Hurrah! It's very empty and not at all the way that I like it, so yesterday and today are Get My Computer As I Want It days. Thus I won't be downloading AIM until all that's done. But I'm always reachable on email! When I'm online, it's open!

I know I have a tonne of game updatey things that need doing - but I also have a lot of catching up to do in general with online stuff, so patience will be appreciated!

The holds have been updated though, so there's that :D And I will have stuff about the school up in the next day or two - what parts of the school are not opperational, what's new, and also some stuff about the three new professors so that you and your characters can know the details.

Also, a big big thanks to Jerica for being my helper bunny while I was gone and keeping everyone informed. And for sending my emails and letting me know what was going on, so I didn't feel quite so out of the loop haha. I still feel out of the loop though >>

She rocks! :D

If anything needs my attention, let me know!

[01 Sep 2012|09:31pm]

So, because I wasn't paying attention and this broadband internet from Cricket sucks, I will probably be MIA for a couple of says until my usage resets. :( I'll try to post some from my phone if I can!

[01 Sep 2012|01:35pm]

Hey all sorry for being MIA, I've been sick the past week and pretty much unable to therefore get online. I'm around now if anyone wants Mils here?

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